It was a pleasure working with Dominique to create her brightly colored with purples and pinks wedding day! I have to say that their reception was one of the most lively and fun I have EVER seen. Their guests surely knew how to dance, and dance WELL....wow!!!!
The Father Daughter dance was very impressive and well coordinated as well! I don't dance at weddings on the dance floor, when I am the planner, but this one was the most tempting of all time.
Dominique and Ronald's entire bridal party was sooooo nice and helpful to me and my assistant, Maura all day and night. You can tell how fun the bride and groom are from their big entrance for their announcement song, "'03 Bonnie and Clyde" by Beyonce and Jay-Z. Pics of that and everything else below, provided by none other than Easywind Studio.

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